Hey folks,

I was having a bit of a chat with Maurice (Scipio) about having a London mini meet later this year so I thought I'd get a thread going so we can organise something!

I reckon I can probably hold it chez moi assuming there arent dozens of people descending en masse, so it'll be about 10 mins away from the Durell Arms where we held the main meet earlier this year.

I'll have all my tools and stuff so I reckon we can do some scale making and restoration, and some honing and fiddling around with natural stones as I have a fair few to use. Hopefully Stepan can make it and then we'll be inundated with stones lol!

I was thinking maybe some time in October? I'm pretty busy the rest of this month what with my brothers wedding and all, and September is pretty hectic at the weekends as well as it seems like every one has a birthday that month so October could work well? Maybe the 8th or 9th?

If theres another date people would prefer please let me know and we can hold it then, no worries.

Let me know if you can make it here and once we've sorted who and when I'll ping you all my address.

Oh, and Maurice has kindly said he'll get the beers in!