
Zephyr (Rune) and I have been talking about throwing together a Nordic meetup here in Oslo.
We have already had three or four locally, and with this one we wanted to reach a larger group.

What we had in mind for this RazorCon Oslo, was to cover subjects such as some resto-work, scale-making and fiting, Honing on various systems, stropping and whatever else you guys would like to see demonstrated or needs help with.

The location is pretty much set, and it will comfortably hold any and all that wants to attend.
We will have the place entirely to ourselves, so we can stay as long as we want, and do pretty much anything that tickles our fancy.
The price for this? Absolutely free!

We were thinking that the end of June or mid August would be possibly good dates for it.

Please chime in here in this thread or via PM to Zephyr or me if you are at all interested, and what dates would be good for you.

Any and all wet-shavers are welcome, no this or that forum on this one

For those coming in to Oslo from a far, we have some plans for housing at least 8 or 10 of you (at no charge), so don't let distance stop you from attending!