I told this before but I'll tell it again. I have a TI super gnome 5/8 that I had honed years ago when I first got it. Needed a touch up and I took the La Veinette and water only. Every 30 x strokes I made a pencil mark on a notepad and stropped and tried HHT. Took over 160 strokes to get to the point where I felt it was as good as I could get it. I got as good a shave out of that razor, sharp/smooth, as I have out of any I've ever shaved with, not matter what it was honed with, or who did the honing.

I normally shave with many different razors but I did a two week rotation between the TI and a Ralf Aust I had gotten from SRD, great razor, and both just kept on trucking for the entire two weeks. I could have shaved with the pair indefinitely but get bored with the same routine, so went back to a lot of variety.