I've been considering a new 1K hone for a while now. I picked up a second hand King 1K/6K about 5 years ago and it's been my sharpening workhorse since. The 6K has developed some cracks but I was never very keen on that side anyway. I find the 1K side an adequate stone but I'm getting a little tired of constant lapping & soaking.

The 1K Chosera seems to be pretty popular as a bevel setter but just curious if wanting something that works well for both knives and razors would change things. The Chosera is appealing as I can use one face for knives and another for razors, maybe even the side for penknives, to cut down on lapping but I had been looking at the Shapton pro/glass stones too which sound to be fairly hard wearing anyway.

I'm not sharpening any exotic steel just carbon knives & razors and a few cheap stainless steel kitchen knives. My current set up is a DMT 325 D8C for lapping/rough work > King 1K for bevel setting > Coticule to strop. Also hoping to pick up a Japanese natural for after the coticule soon.

In razors terms I want something that I can take directly to a coticule as I do from my 1K King, and for knives something coming from the, well worn, DMT 325 D8C. I don't antipate buying more synth stones in the near future but who knows where HAD will take me.