I feel I'm ready for a jnat. Before you say it the answer is yes. Yes I have other stones synths and naturals. I have a coticule which gives me super smooth shaves. A trans ark which gives me even other shaves that are a little sharper. And others but yes I know how to hone.

I have been reading threads about which to get what hardness to get and how to use them.... and yet nobody agrees because just like my coticules...jnats vary alot. I get that. Still I'm lost. I've read to get a shobudani 100 and asano nagura. Then I've read get the same stone but use tomonagura. Then I've read get the same stone but use a dmt to raise slurry. Does it matter which one? My goal is to have the jnat be the last stone. After a coticule or 12k. Would I even use slurry in this case or just water. I know I'm going to have to experiment with whatever I get to figure out what the best way is. But after the coticule would I raise slurry on a jnat like a shobudani 100 and dilute to water?. I've read some people finish with slurry still on the stone this seems backwards coming from using a coti or c12k. What about a Naka Yama asagi koppa lvl 5. Is that too hard for a beginner.

I know a lot of people are going to have different opinions on this subject and I appreciate any help. I'm not looking for a magic stone either. I am completely satisfied with the shaves I get off of my current stones and don't feel like I need another stone so it's not like I'm looking for anything except for fun that comes with learning a new stone. Well anyways I got to go back to work.