Hi guys, if I want to learn honing would a flea market offer me a cheap avenue of picking up old straight razors that are dull and could use a hone. I have a DMT 325 as a lapping stone. I also have acquired a 600/1200 DMT for bevel setting. I have also picked up a 4/8k combo cuticle with BBW on one side and the famous COticule on the other. In theory I could bring a razor to shave ready correct? I have no experience what so ever in honing but would like to take it up to sharpen my own razor and eventually any one who needs it in my area. What are your thoughts and opinions I don't want to use it on the razor I am using now because I am learning to strop and shave with it and wouldn't benefit from over honing or damaging my edge with improper technique. Should I start out with pocket knives or anything. I don't want to rush into it but it would give me another hobby while I was waiting for my beard to grow back. Thanks guys!