Hi Guys,
I need some new wetstones, the ones I have just aren't fine enough. Just pricing some Shapton stones on Amazon, yikes $380 total for 1000, 4000, 8000, 16,000 with the steelex stone holder. I do have some honing experience, and watched Lynns videos on razor sharpening. The finest stone I have is an Arkansas hard stone. The thumb pad test is good to go, arm hair mid shaft good to go, but razor to cheek... nope. WTG right cheek, nope. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out I was courting disaster. I stropped the heck out of my razor off the stone, but I do need better stones. $380, sigh... ouch, either I'm getting gouged by my razor or gouged by the price of decent wetstones. What are my alternatives? Reviews I've read on the Nortons are mixed in they're not flat out of the box, need laping? Do I need to go up to 16,000? Would a 4,000/8,000 Norton be enough? I've read some good reviews on the Kings... $130 for the 16,000 Shapton, ouch! Help