Yesterday I had a look at one of my razors through a loupe, and noticed a few spots that looked like very very small chips. Through a 20X loupe, they were still very small (micro-chips maybe). I did 40 passes on a FeOx pasted webbing strop, wiped the blade down and then had another look through the loupe. I expected to see those micro-chips all gone. What I saw instead were more micro-chips than before. Could this be an example of over honing? My guess at what was happening was that the edge was already so thin that it was fragile and brittle. Has anyone else experienced this. As a fix I did 5 passes on CrOx and then just 5 on the FeOx. That left the edge looking much better. The razor gave a close shave with very little irritation, but the slightest bit of pull. Any recommendations on using FeOx? Can you visually see over honing through a 20X loupe?