So in a nutshell the consensus seems to be for starters when I get ready is a:

Norton 4k/8k which the 8k finishes off the blade or polishes it then to a plain strop or Cro paste like I do now.
Norton 1k stone for bevel setting if it needs it.

Just touch ups to the blades would require the every so often 4k/8k stone but for the most a leather strop until the blade pulls???

I also saw a video of a guy with a Nagura small stone for setting up the slurry. Do you guys suggest this little stone too????

And to maintain a lapped stone (even stone) use the Norton flattening stone as well???? I saw a video as well of someone using it to make sure the stone remain level/flat for when you hone str8-razors.

Thank you so far for the feedback to date. I am building a memory bank of what will be needed in the future and where I will need to be proficient in maintaining a blade(s).