Hey guys,

I've been digging thorugh my collection of stuff, sorting out whats going to stay and whats going to be put up for sale, as I just don't use it. I tripped over my Norton 4K/8K that I just do not use, and when I took it out of it's plastic box, I discovered some black spots on both sides of the hone. Likely, the stone was not as dry as it should have been, when I put it away and some spots of mildew formed.

I thought, OK, I'll just take the DMT 325 to it and that should skim off the spots. That worked fine on the 8K side, but the 4K, white colored and more porous side, still shows faint black spots. I didn't want to wear away the hone with the 325 just to remove the spots as I seriously doubt they affect the honing, but they are an eyesore.

If I were going to keep the hone, I would just mix up a batch of Clorox/water like Glen, Gssixgun, uses to store his bevel setting stones and just soak it for 1/2hr to make sure the spots don't "wake up" again. In fact, those spots would probably bleach out. As it is, this would take a long time to dry again, and I'd like to put it up for sale sooner, rather than later, and so I'd like to solicit some comments as to how you guys feel about this thing. I'd rather be up front, instead of trying to hide these facts, or possibly "get away with it".

