So im getting a Norton 4k/8k and a Naniwa 12k and I have a set of DMT Duo sharp benchstones with 220, 325, 600 and 1200 mesh (interrupted surface).

I have questions.

Is the DMT 1200 mesh really that bad for honing? Ive read in a few places that the diamond is too aggressive for a razor. If the answer is yes i am considering a Chosera 1000 grit. They seem to be the current go to.

If the answer is no and i can get away with the DMT 1200 would there be any point to adding a Coticule to my current lineup?

I had just reached a point where i thought.. ok, i have everything to get started.. then my GF asked me what i want for my B'day next month. Im looking at about a $200 budget. The Coticule is of course much more expensive then the Chosera, but if i don't need the 1000 grit i would seriously love owning a Coticule.

Thanks for any advice in advance.