Hi everyone:I need some advice regarding which hone to purchase for setting a bevel on my straight razor. I have accumulated a few straight razors over the last few months and I am having a heck of a time getting my most expensive straight razor to shave well. My best razor is a Boker that I have found for $20 at a garage sale while I'm having a hell of a time getting my new $300 Theirs Issard to be as sharp or smooth as my other razors. I am thinking I need to get a 1000 grit hone to reset the bevel. I currently have a Norton 4000/8000 and a C12000. I attempted to set the bevel with the 4000 grit stone but have had no luck. I don't want to spend too much money on another stone. I have found the King 1000 grit stone for cheap. Is this stone acceptable for straight razors or am I just going to create more problems.Thanks,Aaron