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Thread: Suehiro 20k lapping?

  1. #1
    Senior Member dshaves's Avatar
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    Default Suehiro 20k lapping?

    I have a Suehiro 20k, shapton glass lapping plate and a DMT 325. I am running into a wall trying to lap this stone I am wondering if getting an Atoma 140 or Atoma 400 would greatly improve the ease of lapping this particular stone? Or is there not going to be much of a difference from what I already have? Otherwise I am going to sell this stone. Thanks Gentleman

  2. #2
    Senior Member dinnermint's Avatar
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    What issue are you running into? Is it just taking a long time or not lapping at all?

  3. #3
    Senior Member dshaves's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dinnermint View Post
    What issue are you running into? Is it just taking a long time or not lapping at all?
    Well, I would say the time it takes to lap it would seam like it isn't lapping the stone at all.

  4. #4
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    IME when you go to lap the Suehiro 20k for the first time you need to bring your lunch.

    Been posted that the 20k can strip diamonds off of the Atoma 1200 but the 400, or the 120 is good to lap it with. I imagine the DMT 325 is also alright, if used under a trickle of running water. The DMT is nowhere near as efficient as the Atoma IME. It will get the deed done, but it will take longer.
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    Senior Member dshaves's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JimmyHAD View Post
    IME when you go to lap the Suehiro 20k for the first time you need to bring your lunch.

    Been posted that the 20k can strip diamonds off of the Atoma 1200 but the 400, or the 120 is good to lap it with. I imagine the DMT 325 is also alright, if used under a trickle of running water. The DMT is nowhere near as efficient as the Atoma IME. It will get the deed done, but it will take longer.
    When you say the atoma diamond plates are more efficient, what would you say the amount of time saved is?

  6. #6
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    I have a Shapton lapping plate and it uses Silicon Carbide as grit. It makes quick work of anything period.
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  7. #7
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dshaves View Post
    When you say the atoma diamond plates are more efficient, what would you say the amount of time saved is?
    It is unbelievable. the Atoma's diamonds are situated, for lack of a better word, differently than the DMT. They are just way more aggressive. The time advantage is worth the $ AFAIC. I've got the DMTs in various flavors, the Shapton DGLP, and an Atoma 1200. The 1200 just rips through the toughest stuff like Grant took Richmond. That is the 1200, which I now know isn't recommended for the 20k. I don't have a 400 .......... yet ........ but I imagine it would be even more efficient than the 1200.
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    Senior Member dshaves's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thebigspendur View Post
    I have a Shapton lapping plate and it uses Silicon Carbide as grit. It makes quick work of anything period.
    Is that the same as the Shapton glass lapping plate, because mine just skims over the stone and removes nothing!

  9. #9
    Senior Member dshaves's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JimmyHAD View Post
    It is unbelievable. the Atoma's diamonds are situated, for lack of a better word, differently than the DMT. They are just way more aggressive. The time advantage is worth the $ AFAIC. I've got the DMTs in various flavors, the Shapton DGLP, and an Atoma 1200. The 1200 just rips through the toughest stuff like Grant took Richmond. That is the 1200, which I now know isn't recommended for the 20k. I don't have a 400 .......... yet ........ but I imagine it would be even more efficient than the 1200.
    Yes this is what I am looking for and awesome reference too, thank you.

  10. #10
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dshaves View Post
    Is that the same as the Shapton glass lapping plate, because mine just skims over the stone and removes nothing!
    That is the one. I have it, and what I used to do was use the DMT for the grunt work, and then finish with the Shapton. They are both 325, but the Shapton being so much more expensive, I figured it would last longer if I only finished the lapping with it.

    Eventually it became worn through use, and it still cuts, but not as it did when new. I have used the Atoma 1200 in the same way. Grunt work with the DMT and/or the Shapton, and finish with the 1200. Maybe that is why my 1200 didn't suffer any loss of diamonds on the 20k.

    The owner of Japan Tools has come out and said the 1200 should not be used to lap the 20k. As far as how well any plate works, it is like a set of tires. We can both have a set of Michlens on the same model vehicle.. How many miles, the type of road surface, and the fellow behind the wheel, all determine how many miles the tires will last. Same with lapping plates, and with hones for that matter.
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