Good morning everyone. First post/first question so here goes...

I have been using naniwa specialty stones(5k,8k,12k) for honing my 6/8 Thiers Issard Throat Cutter. I have no problem getting a edge on it. My self taught routine in order is

40 passes on the 5K
80 passes on the 8K
120 passes on the 12K

Then hit it with a strop with the Dovo red paste on the one side, followed by the leather after.

Am i overdoing it with the stones? Should I reduce the passes down some. Am i overdoing it and just taking metal off for no reason?

Also, for my pre shave ritual, I strop the razor on the red paste side for 20 passes, then on the leather for 60+. Should I cut down on the passes on the paste side.

Thanks in advance for the tips and advise. Looking forward to the replies