I bought a Shapton Glass 7 30k on sale. It’s the smaller version of the Shapton Glass 30K. I was never going to lay out the big $$$ for the full size version and this one was on sale (about $80 CDN) for 40% off - so why not.

My normal honing progression on a razor for which the bevel is set is 1 layer of black electrical tape on a coticule (full slurry => plain water) followed by finishing strokes on a Vermio. I added 10 laps with only weight of the razor on the Shapton after the Vermio. I did not kill the edge before honing.

Honestly, I don’t know what I was expecting, but I really did not notice a difference after adding the Shapton to the progression. It was a BBS 2-pass shave with no nicks or weepers - smooth and comfy like a coticule shave is supposed to be.

It is very unlikely that the Puma I was using already had an unimprovable (new word?) edge.

I don’t regret buying the stone, I just wonder if I maxed out its potential to improve an edge or if I just discovered it won’t damage an already good edge.

Any thoughts?