A LOT for a newbie to absorb! Confusing, as many things seem personal preference.

I have been lurking a lot and reading. I have got a decent, Dovo, strop, cream, soap,etc. No hone yet!

I have also done a few partial shaves with a measure of success.

My stopping has improved to the the point where the HHT delivers a grabbing/popping type cut 75% of the time I "hang" a hair on it. (HHT-3)

I understand this could be sharper (silent slicer HHT-5) but at this point I am not sure any amount of stropping wil deliver that.

The shop claims my razor was shave-ready but I am not sure I trust them.

Anyway, I am looking for a really keen edge. I don't want to feel the blade as I shave. I am looking for a "hot-knife-through-butter" every shave!

I am slightly frustrated now. Presumably in a few shaves, I will need to "touch-up" hone and I'll be able to put the edge I am looking for on there.

My question is this what is a good touch-up hone? Who seels it? Since I live in Belgium, would one of these Belgian stonse (blue and white) be good for that?

