I have just started to use straight razors and bought this cheap set of water stones off ebay.
http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/3-Piece-Sharpening-Set-/360226823337?cmd=ViewItem&pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&ha sh=item53df311ca9

I have honed my razor and got it able to shave by using these and a pasted strop but my edge did not feel that smooth .My first question is have anybody used these stones and got a smooth shave after and is it my honing inexperience to blame.

My second question is they came with just a sticker to state the grit size but the 5000 feels smoother to the touch than the 8000 could the wrong sticker have been put on them.

3) I have a bit of money to spend and was thinking of buying a naniwa stone either 8000 or 10,000 grit or a yellow corticule to further refine my edge. Which would be better for a newcomer

Any replies from experienced honers would be appreciated.