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  1. #1
    Bloodletter shiznix's Avatar
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    Default n00b just got his first honing stone!

    All right, read the title.

    It's some japanese 8k thing.

    Any advice?

    Never done this before (used to sharpen my swiss army knief in the past though).

  2. #2
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    All the answers you seek can be located in the wiki. I don't think one 8k will really be enough to get into honing. For bevel setting I know you want something in the 1k range then at least one between 1k and 8k maybe a 5k? And then I think most people use a 12k+ for finishing but you might be able to get by with a pasted strop. I'm sure others with experiance will chime in as I don't hone but I think what I said is right, if I'm wrong please correct me. Welcome to SRP enjoy the great community.

  3. #3
    Bloodletter shiznix's Avatar
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    OK, well.... I was watching Lynn's video on honing and followed his advice...

    Basically, I wet the stone (it soaks the water up really quickly) and then hauled the razor over it - 4 times for each side of the blade, using virtually no pressure. I also made sure there were no particles on the hone and washed my hand prior to this reckless endeavour. followed by 40ish strokes on my strop.

    the bottom line:

    sharper than evar!

    picture related: it is my hone

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  4. #4
    Know thyself holli4pirating's Avatar
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    What was the razor like before you started? An 8k hone will do what an 8k hone does, but it's not a bevel setter nor the best finisher you can have - it has a place in a progression. It should give you an edge that yields a very nice shave, though.

  5. #5
    Senior Member wdwrx's Avatar
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    Looks like a Suehiro. If so, I have the same one, retired now.
    I have a theory about it, though, and think that there are better razor hones out there.

  6. #6
    Senior Member rostfrei's Avatar
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    I'm not new to straight razor shaving (@ 3-4 yrs) but I am new to honing properly. I read the "lapping" entry in the SRP Wiki last night and it was VERY helpful. Thanks SRP. I understand that getting the stone lapped before use is pretty important. Seems like it would be. I had always assumed that new stones would arrive flat but I was mistaken. Glad I came here.
    Last edited by rostfrei; 08-27-2010 at 04:40 PM.

  7. #7
    Senior Member blabbermouth niftyshaving's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shiznix View Post
    All right, read the title.

    It's some japanese 8k thing.

    Any advice?

    Never done this before (used to sharpen my swiss army knief in the past though).
    If it is about 8K you can use it as a finishing stone
    and maintenance hone stone.

    When your razor begins to tug and pull and the
    strop no longer brings it back you should soak
    your hone for ten min.... If and only if it needs it
    lightly lap it so it is flat. Then hone the razor
    ten to 20 strokes, rinse, dry, strop on canvas
    then leather and shave test. Use NO more strokes
    than you need to. If your hone takes only six
    strokes to restore an edge seven will not improve
    the edge.

    To hone you place the back of the razor on the
    hone first then lay the edge on the hone. At the
    end of the hone stroke you rotate the razor leaving
    the back on the hone and lifting the sharp edge
    so it touches down lightly for the return hone stroke.
    See the wiki and search youTube for videos....

    If your hone came with a small rubbing stone you can
    use it to increase the speed of the hone. By rubbing
    up a slurry you can make an 8K cut like a 6K and you
    can remove a light glaze if it should form.

    Rinse the hone clean to finish. For some folk
    a light coat of lather can make an 8K act like a 9K
    while honing. So can a light touch.

    When done rinse the hone well, drip dry on a dish
    drainer or what ever for a bit then put away in
    a box to keep if from harm. Do not put a wet
    hone out where it can freeze, do not force it dry

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  9. #8
    all your razor are belong to us red96ta's Avatar
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    If your Dovo was factory new then it probably wasn't as shave ready as it can get. If that's the case, you may have to step back to the 3k-4k to make sure it's nice and sharp before stepping up to the 8k. Having said that, I suppose you're not going to hurt anything using an 8k and seeing how it works for you. Worst case scenario here is that you're out to hunt a 3k stone.

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