I don't think I've posted this yet...

I tried a couple of knives on the BBW, and it definitely made a noticeable improvement upon the edge off of Arkansas Translucent or Black stones. I think it was a good logical step up from the 1200+ of the Arkansas Translucent, up to the 4000 of the BBW.

My BBW isn't a Blue / Yellow Combination stone. It's an 8" x 2" x 1/2" solid Blue stone. I haven't taken any pics yet either. I may do a side-by-side of my stone progression in the near future.

I have actually grown pretty fond of using a 750 grit Smith's Diamond Stone to start, then an Arkansas Translucent stone, followed by the Belgian Blue Waterstone to finish. The 750 grit Diamond stone is much more pleasant to start on, than my Soft Arkansas stones are. They will likely be used mainly for Chisels, Hatchets, and Machetes now.

So I guess for me, it's now 750-1200-4000 for Knives.