Hey Guys,

I'm fairly new to the are of straight edge shaving so take it easy on me haha. I've been using a straight edge since May of 2010 and each time it's a different experience. I have a brush/bowl/strop (leather/linen) everything I basically need.

Anyways, my first razor was a basic Timor Blue Steel (6/8"). Worked fairly well. I just recently (as a grad present from college) got a ' Dovo 5/8' with the gold plating. Now this blade was pre-honed from the company I bought it from (fendrihan.com). They have a guy who works for the company that has been honing for years and he honed this blade before it was sent to me. I have to say that the first shave with this blade was simply amazing. I noticed a BIG different in this blade from my basic Timor.

Now herein lies the question: I believe that my old Timor blade needs to be honed. I tried shaving with it again this past week and it doesn't even come close to the Dovo. Also, I should add that since I have had the Timor blade, I haven't honed it. I've been searching through this site finding articles on how to hone properly and the techniques used, all of which are very helpful. So what honing stone do I need? I order all my stuff from fendrihan.com (Canadian based company, easier shipping for me). They have too many hones to choose from. All different grit, 10K, 8K and so on.

So which hone would you guys recommend for me as a beginner to honing for the first time? Something that gets the job done right the first time!