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Thread: Honeing on just water

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  1. #1
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Default Honeing on just water

    Is totally Rubed at this point,But have had this idea for awhile now.Your thoughts?
    I hate breaking cadence to spray down my hone.
    I feel that when one is honeing on water only as I do when finishing,one still creates a small amt. of slurry,maybe it do's not matter,maybe it do's.
    Obviously needs to be made more stable and lower profile,am going to wire in a foot switch to activate the pump when honing on slurry.
    Also want to experiment with other water mixed cutting fluids such as used with diamond faceting machines.
    Total cost $9.95 + tax for a filtered Aquarium pump includes tubing and regulator valve,you can make it a steady stream or a drip (reminds me of when I was Young
    Just the rambilings of a semi-retired old guy with not alot to do.

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