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Thread: Slurry, norton prep stone. Naraga(splg?) stone

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  1. #1
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    Default Slurry, norton prep stone. Naraga(splg?) stone

    Hi All:
    I use the Norton 4000/8000 combination hone for my razors. I've seen a YouTube vid where the honemeister, who seems to be experienced and knowledgeable, creates slurry on the 4K grit stone. Could someone explain to me if this is advisable, and if so, whether I should use the Norton Prep Stone or the Nagura stone? Also, what is the difference between the Norton prep stone and the Nagura? Thanks for any info that you can provide. Joe

  2. #2
    Senior Member Kingfish's Avatar
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    Norton prep stone is more aggresive than natural naguras. My only advise is to try them, they are fun and keep stone from clogging.
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  4. #3
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    You are probably talking about either Lynn's or my Vids that we did for the JaNorton thread...

    I use the cheap Synthetic "Nagura/prep stone that is available out there for about $8 I used the actual Norton Prep stone until the price got stupid

    I only use that system now for showing off and to prove it can be done, the 1k stone takes the place of the Slurry on the 4k for setting a bevel

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    wildfirejoe00 (10-24-2012)

  6. #4
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    I've never heard of the norton prep stone before. It's incredible that a 3/4" sqaured 3" long rectangle would cost very close to the amount they charge retail for a norton 8x2x1 medium india stone.

    I do like the chosera nagura stone, but it's hard to find it over here. It's cheaper than the norton prep stone, much larger, and when soaked, it makes a great stone to use as a fine rust scrubber in restoration of tools, knives, razor tangs, spines, etc. I think it's about $10 from dieter schmid, but that doesn't do much good if you have to ship it to the US.

  7. The Following User Says Thank You to DaveW For This Useful Post:

    wildfirejoe00 (10-24-2012)

  8. #5
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    Thanks so much for freely sharing your knowledge. I have alot to learn but you have got me going in the right direction. Joe

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