Hi all,

I recently acquired a Swaty barber hone as part of an ebay lot, and as I already have a Swaty, I would like to gift one of them to a colleague. Partly because he's a great guy, and partly out of guilt for having dragged him into the sordid little world of straight shaving.

So my question is a simple one, if you had two Swatys and wanted to give one away, which would you keep? One is a three-line, one is a two-line and they are both in more or less the same condition.

Name:  2012-10-15 21.24.38-2.jpg
Views: 365
Size:  35.3 KB

The text reads:

On the left

Franz Swaty
Marburg, Austria

On the right

Franz Swaty
Wahring bei Wien

Please help me out of my decision-making crisis!