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Thread: Vintage Hone ID?

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    Senior Member ajkenne's Avatar
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    Default Vintage Hone ID?

    Can anyone help me identify this vintage hone? I received it last week as part of a five hone lot on eBay. I was able to identify three of the five hones, but had no clue on this one. It doesn't smell of any oil. The lot came from Utah and was apparently acquired by a long-time collector over the years. I have not lapped this hone pending a successful I.D. I initially put a DMT 325 on it but stopped as it seemed to be a hard stone. I was able to easily raise a thick, light brown slurry and found it to be a fast cutter as it removed a chip rather quickly.

    The dimensions of the hone are 8'' x 2'' x 7/8''. It is grey-brown in color and has gold/brown spots on both sides as seen in the photos.

    Anybody have any ideas on what this one might be? Is it a natural or synthetic stone?

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