Been looking around and I can't seem to find much info on this problem --

From the Wiki -
"The reason we bevel the corners of a hone is to avoid doing any damage to that razor sharp edge we are trying to develop. Those non bevelled edges have the potential to do some serious damage. If you are on an #8000 hone getting ready for the final polish but make one slip up on that non beveled corner, chances are quite high, that you are going to have to go all the way back to #1000 and reset that bevel. There is nothing worse than having to redo something because you were not careful."

What kind of slip up are we talking about here? Hitting the razor's edge on a sharp corner or accidentally losing control and running the blade along the edge?

Do you guys think it's good for a beginner to round the edges and corners of their hones?

If you guys know of previous threads containing this information, please send them my way.

Sorry if this belongs in the Honing forum -- I wasn't quite sure.
