Gentlemen, would the rock hounds and hone aficionados please help me identify this hone. Unfortunately, I cannot remove it from the box it is housed in, any recommendations on how to free this guy so I can get some good pics of the sides/bottom (preferably without destroying the case)? Also, I cannot lap it down very much as there is at most 1/8" above the box on the ends and at least 1/16" towards the center. Which is another reason I would like to be able to take it out of the case.

The stone measures 10"x1.75" and definitely reeks of old oil.

Now the pictures:

Dry after cleaning -

Wet before cleaning -

milky white slurry with a DMT 325 came up pretty easily -

and the box, it's only mark looks like "SMITH P" stamped into the bottom of the case.

A couple more points, I cannot compare this to any other natural stones as all I have are a norton combo 220/1k, 4k/8k, Naniwa 3k, and a barber hone. I do have some oven cleaner to help pull any oil still in this thing out, but I am not sure of the proper method to use on a stone, any tips?

Thanks for sharing any opinions gentlemen!