The overall goal is to restore some blades in the collection. At the very least i'd like to restore a W&B the gf got me. It was my first ever straight razor and it's not possible to shave with. Sentimental value I guess you could say. I also have two blades with chipped edges that I would like to bring back from the dead. One is a Case Red Imp that is in pristine condition otherwise and the other is a Genco that I loved shaving with.

The current plan is all Naniwa super stones. I have a 1k, 5k and 8k in the cart at srd right now. I already own a 12k. I'm sure this could get it done but: am I getting done the right way? Is there a better value for money somewhere?

I've never honed a razor other than giving one a ride on the 12k which doesn't really add up to the full experience...