@onimaru55... Thanks! That was an interesting point... But, I just laid 'er down on the back of my DMT and no big things going on with the spine in either direction. She was definitely frowning after I had that first go with honing... Once I saw the middle third not having the same results as to either side I laid her blade down on a flat plastic box and, sure enough, there was a frown in there. I think it was a combination of being super excited about getting 'that' razor back and not using glasses that lead to this problem as I'm pretty sure if I would have taken more time and set the razor down to check like I typically do I would have seen it. But, I was fantasizing about shaving in my mind while I was honing so to speak.

I also went back through my rotation to some older razors done by other folks on the Forum here and found that many of the bevels were not exactly 'equal' comparing one side to the other... I think I may have flipped into hyper-critical mode once I found that initial error and then all I could see were errors. It is most certainly at least some variation in my technique but no more so than the other razors I've honed or the ones I compared honed by others.

So, looks like I'm headed down the right road... Just had a bit of a freak-out once I made that initial error and that is typically what happens when I rush stuff or get so excited I'm more emotionally invested than objective and analytical.