Hello everyone, I own two straight razors, both were manufactured from DOVO, one is a bismarck, which I bought from Lynn at SRD, therefore it was pre-honed. The other razor is a dovo flowing, which came in the sealed box (I got the bismarck later than the flowing). So I had been shaving with the flowing very nicely since I got the bismarck pre-honed, and there's a notable difference between the shaves from the pre-honed razor. What I did was 10 x strokes on the naniwa 12k with my dovo flowing (I chose to go straight to a finishing stone because the edge wasn't so bad, it was passing the hanging hair test, as well it was shaving arm hairs midway) and It did improve, but didn't achieve the same level of sharpness as the bismarck, so, finally, my question is: what will a webbed fabric strop with chromium oxide do to that razor? I mean, how much can the edge improve from a stropping with the ChOx?

Sorry for the long post, have a nice day!