So today in the mail I get this razor I won on Eboy. A Dovo Mammouth scale razor. The post said only used once. Well the price was right and its overall condition The only defect I see is a small hairline crack in the ivory on the toe end but it appears minor. So then I look at the blade and if that blade was used once I'm a monky's uncle. First there's almost no bevel on the thing. What bevel there is is full of micro chips along the edge.

Now I believe that razor goes for somewhere twix 300-400 new. So who in his right mind would buy a razor like that and obviously try and hone it without knowing what they are doing and ruin the edge. So now I'll have to tape up the spine and reestablish the bevel on it. Yes there ought to be alaw about that and the straight razor police should see to it

By the way it is a beautiful razor, very well done. Satin finish on the blade with a razor inscribed mammouth on it but no other adornment. I thought the ivory would be very thin with a thick ebony backing but its the other way around.