I own a nice and big BBW bench hone and am saving money up for a set of Shaptons. Until such time, I would like to get better at honing with my BBW.

Some time ago, I shaved with a friend's razor (smooth and sharp Naniwa SS12K edge), dulled it and honed it on the BBW for him to judge. We both agree my edge still had quite some tug, which I noticed all the more this morning shaving the stubble of several days. He finished my edge with 30 X-strokes on the 8K, then 30 on the 12K, after which it performed as he was used to.

I have tried several different techniques, but I really don't know what I should be doing. I mostly get to a shaveable edge with the "BBW Unicot" method as described by Bart (set a good bevel, do 20 X-strokes on watery slurry, finish with 50 edge trailing strokes on very thin slurry), but I would like to get a sharper edge.

Does someone have a good suggestion? I could not find many BBW honing videos, so those are very welcome as well.
