As a Newb to honing, I haven't wanted to touch this blade as it's my most expensive so far, but I broke it out tonight figuring I could ask some kind soul to touch it up if I botched it...I figure fortune favors the bold!

I dulled the edge with two strokes on a glass

First, spent about 5 mins on King 1 k to set the bevel...actually felt a change and knew I was close! I now know what "sticking to the stone" means...Another minute with virtually no pressure and it was mowing down arm hair and uniform across the blade.

Then, off to the. Norton 4 k. Started doing circles and didn't like the feel/motion so went to standard x strokes with an assist from my free hand (more comfortable and I feel like I'm able to control the uniformity with both hands...convention be dammed! ). Same drill but a little longer here til I felt the stick and a change in how the blade was reacting to the stone. A test on the arm and it was clearly getting smoother. Another minute or two and I felt like I was ready to move to the next stone.

Norton 8k. Here, it took a lot longer to get the feel of a change in the way the blade was reacting to the stone...maybe I took off a decent amount of metal in my first two stones. Regardless, I hit the same point and tested the arm (which essentially has no hair now) and was awesome! I could have probably shaved off it but I thought, hey...I didn't buy this CNAT to be a shelf queen. About 100 passes on the PHIG (lost count when I started to get the same feedback from the blade...the only way I can describe it is a sticking smoothness that was not present when I started on the stone. A quick 30/60 linen leather strop and a test of leg hair (mowing them down above the skin) and I know I'm ready for tomorrow!

(True test comes then of course but no question this bad boy is uniformly sharp!)