I find that my best edges from the Zulu come when I leave the slury on. It is a very light slury that I start with and end with. My favorite edges from the Zulu, come from using a Turingian slury. With this I strat with a slightly cloudier slury and dilute to very light, but never go to water. Smith honing solution is a good alternative to using water only. That's my humble take on this stone. I like the Zulu and its edges. Not my favorite at this point, but I've been very happy with it. I think it has value.

I also experience problem razors on the Zulu, that when taken to another stone they get corrected. I don't know what it is but I have, like Niell said, experimented with problem razors on the Zulu and have been able to get good edges most of the time. That's how I got to tried the turi slury on it. One razor would not give smooth on the Zulu but it did on the turi, that's how I took the turi to the Zulu (that almost rime) and it turned out to be a hit. Enjoy!

Double O