Hello, I am brand new to straight razors and I would like to ask a few questions.

Is it possible to learn to hone on my own by watching Youtube videos?

Will I most likely ruin my blade in the process?

When I tape the spine with electrician's tape, the tape peels off during honing and when I try to fully remove it, a gooey mess is left on the blade. Is this normal? Am I doing something wrong?

Is there a general consensus whether you should or should not tape the spine?

I've been practicing on a Dovo factory sharpened (not shave ready) blade and it's still far from being shave ready. (I have a shave ready blade for comparison). I've been using the Norton 4000/8000.

Sorry about the multiple questions, but would appreciate any comments or suggestions. The videos make honing seem fairly easy, but I haven't been getting results yet. I'm not giving up though; not at all.

Thank you.
