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I just gave the Tim Zowada method to my Johan Breidour Three Crosses razor. What a fantastic shave that method yields when done correctly.

This is a 7/8 blade and is just the size that suits me. We are having a meet-up Monday morning 9/8/14 at the home of Ron Wiley, [Neckbone] around 10 AM and this razor will be on the table for all to try. I don't expect any complaints. Also touched-up a Spanish point Wacker with Ebony scales for the occasion along with a Peter J Michels "Tru-Edge" which has long since proven to be very shave friendly .

Honing is nolonger a challenge for me. It's an exercise that is merely time consuming and somewhat tedious at times.
Set your bevel and then gently proceed up through the finer grits until your shave blows you and your whiskers away.

How much simpler can it get? However I am still in awe of the magnificent shaves from a properly honed quality blade.
Nice way to spend Monday morning with the guys.