I have a Dovo razor that I bought about 8 years ago. When I bought it, it was shave ready and I enjoyed probably 8-10 shaves with it, with just a stropping in between each. Then it became dull and at about the same time I sort of fell out of straight and DE shaving altogether. I put it into a drawer and largely forgot about it.

Fast forward to today. On vacation this week and decided to give it a go. Took it out of the drawer and decided to test it on my forearm. It would not shave hair at all.

So I tried the pyramid from my old WOSRS DVD using my Norton 8000/4000 combo stone, a pasted paddle strop, and a Tony Miller basic hanging strop:

4000 X 3
8000 x 3
4000 X 1
8000 x 3
4000 X 1
8000 x 5
0.5 Diamond Past X 10
Strop X 15

A little better. I can now shave hair on my forearm if I use moderate pressure, but it will not cut a free hanging hair and certainly nowhere near face ready.

What do I do now? Repeat the whole thing? Start a new pyramid with higher stroke count (10-15)? Thoughts/advice?