
a few years ago, I bought a straight razor sight unseen from Larry Andro from Whipped dog razors and supplies. I've been shaving with it and we've had our ups and downs and I find it difficult to maintain a good edge. I don't know the brand name but it is a vintage 5/8 semi hollow with a barber's notch on the toe and I like it for maintaining a beard.

So so the scales got cracked and while I was waiting for new scales to come in I decided to try a DE style safety razor with a wilkinson sword blade and I was blown away with the sharpness. I was wondering if you guys get your straights that sharp. Is it even conceivable? Could a full hollow blade achieve a sharpness that is closer to a DE blade?

Id also like tips on my technique for honing but first I'd like to know if it's normal or not that a disposable DE blade would be considerably sharper than a well maintained straight.