I need help from experienced razor sharpeners and maintainers.

I've read lots of people's techniques and came to the conclusion that there isn't one right way but many right ways and people do what they are comfortable with and/or are familiar with.

So, I combined what I read but have fallen a little short. Close but no cigar. I can sharpen but still need to follow up with my DE. I believe that I have my shaving technique down pat after 80+ shaves. I do well with a Shavette but feel more comfortable with a standard razor. So, I'm not ready to give up!

I have a Dovo Best Quality 6/8" razor. I have the following whetstones: Norton 4000/8000 and a Chinese 12000. I keep them flat with a Dia-sharp DMT-300 (325 grit (45 µ), 8”x3” diamond whetstone). I also have a leather strop and a pressed felt strop. One side of the felt is impregnated with 0.50 µ diamond spray, the other with 0.25 µ diamond spray.

To sharpen, I soak the whetstones for at least 30 minutes. I then rub each surface against the Dia-sharp until they feel flat. I use the pyramid with the 8000 and 4000 stones. I prefer circular honing to x-stroking. So, I start with 7 circles on each side and repeat three more times to simulate about 25 strokes, and then proceed down the pyramid.

I then do 7 circular strokes on each side with the 12000 stone and repeat two more times.

Finally, I do ten round trips on the 0.5 µ felt strop and ten round trips on the 0.25 µ felt strop. Then I do 40 round trips on the leather strop.

For maintenance, I use the felt and leather after every shave.

So, the question is, how can I improve on this to get a razor-sharp razor, shave after shave?