Sorry I couldn't think of a better title at the present.
I just wanna get peoples thoughts or techniques on removing foil edges.

I'm not talking about the standard foil edge. I'm referring to the microscopic foil edge.
Recently I've read and seen a few videos on this subject.

When nearing the latter stages of honing some lightly drag the edge (bread knife style) on a hone or hard felt or what ever .
The purpose is to remove the build up of metal on the very edge, sitting on the apex . This also supposedly would join the two sides of the bevel. They then bring the edge back with more strokes.

I've been trying this a number of ways or at a number of stages. At the moment I'll set the bevel on the 1k Chosera .I'm imagining that this is where most of the excess metal would form. (after bevel setting) So then I lightly dull the edge on the 5k and then with not much work bring that set bevel back on the 5k.

Then I hit the Jnat/Naguras to a finish.

Does anyone do this type of thing or have any thoughts on it?
I think that there isn't really much of a need for it but I love experimenting ,evolving, progressing.