Question About Finishing with Coticule and Taping
I've been trying to hone a couple of blades myself, now that I have some professionally honed edges to compare to. I have a couple of questions though.
I honed a Greaves near wedge on a King 1K/6K combo stone. After using the 6k, the bevel looked close to a mirror finish. When I finished on my coticule though, it actually looked duller. Is this normal or am I not doing it right?
Exactly what type of tape do you use?
I used electrical tape and it leaves lines/stains on blade that won't come off. I tried Goof Off and Flitz and it still wouldn't come off, so I guess I'll have to use steel wool. This may be because it was really cheap.
I was going to get some 3M electrical at WM, but all they had was Duck brand. I used it and it started coming apart on the stone REALLY quickly. Would 3M be better, or do I need to be using a different type of tape?