Well a bout of had just hit me again when I thought I had kicked the disease.

This time it was literally a "bout". I have traded/sold all my coticules... For various reasons most of them not delivering in my unskilled hands. I could never go from bevel set to coticule all the way through finish.. Looking back I probably hadn't set the bevel well but that's another story.

Well since I traded away my black ark I was without a natural finisher. I'm hoping to finish on the Naniwa 8k and if I choose go a little further do some strokes with this coticule I just got off the bay. It's not in my hands yet but it will be probably next week and pictures will be posted. It was a les latenuses for a decent price, unlike the highly over priced ones you see on the bay from time to time. I had some pay pal balance left so that justified and covered most of the purchase but the girlfriend was still upset so I hope les lat edges are worth the disappointment it caused her... I told her I was getting better, not buying any more and let her down damn... Feel a little guilty now but she'll get over it eventually...

Now from my experience I'm not going to try the dilucot/Unicot methods with this coticule as that hasn't been consistent for me in the past with other specimens for different reasons but I will go 1-4-8 and of results are outstanding off the 8 and I mean fully shave ready then I will finish on the coticule. This will purely be a finishing stone.

I have never gotten the hang of linking posts so I'll ask the question again.

What are some of the ways you finish on a coticule after a 1-4-8 progression??

5 strokes like Lynn?

50 like Bart?

For those of you that did shell out for a les lat, would I finish on the coti then switch to hybrid for the final strokes?

Thank you,


- former coticule user, then abandoner, soon to be user again.