Hi guys,

I'm new here and also new to straight razor shaving and knife maintenance in general. I have an old Carrara which I picked up online which shaved OK out of the post. Did a bit of work which messed the blade completely, put it aside for a few months and have just brought it back out to play with. I managed to hone/strop it to a level which produced an acceptable, but far from perfect shave. After having a closer look at the blade I noticed that the blade was ever so slightly curved (in the same way a katana is curved). Now there was nothing wrong with it but in my infinite wisdom I decided to go for broke and make the edge straight again. So long story short I turned my shave sharp blade into a straight butter knife. The hones I have available are a 240/800 Saphire and a 2000 Saphire. I can get my hands on some 5 and 3 micron diamond paste and I have a double sided paddle strop. The main question I have is am I completely mad? Do I have any chance of returning the blade to shave ready with what I've got or have I just made a BIIIIG mistake? I have no problem with patience and technique.