Hi, I am in a position to get a top Japanese stone. Quite a load of $, but it's fairly big. Much bigger than I need for sure - at least twice as big.

Was wondering if anyone is interested in pitching in: then we can have the stone cut in smaller (narrower) hones. In my experience narrow hones work great. And we will have something over 20K grit, possibly up to 40K. Compare this to a Coticule or Escher

Actually, a person in Japan who is very knowledgeable will offer me a choice of a number of stones from his collection - and I am just exploring interest here. If there is no interest - I will still get something very nice and high grade for razors, but it probably would not be as good as what we can get if we combine resources. The catch is that by myself I will have a bigger but lower than top grade hone. I would much rather have a smaller top grade rock. If the person had smaller top grades I would just get one and forget about it, but as it happens his top grades are not small and command higher prices...
