So, it depends on what you are going to do in terms of razor honing. If you are going to maintain a hand full of razors, you are all set.

Add a $20 King 1K and you can go either way, but a 5k will easily set a new bevel, heck a 12k Super Stone will remove small chips and set a bevel, easily.

Don’t worry about “Over-honing” it is mostly myth. Under-honing, failing to fully set a bevel, is by far, the failing of most new honers.

A set bevel is flat, at the proper angle and both bevels meet at a straight keen, edge. Learn to test for a fully set bevel, use more than one test, and when you are absolutely sure, the bevel is fully set, do 20 more light laps.

If, worst case, you did over-hone, and the edge is micro-chipping, joint the edge and re-set the edge in 10-15 laps on the 12K and your golden.

Learn to max out each stone, get an even stria pattern, removing each previous stria pattern and get the edge as straight and chip free as possible. Then do the same on the next stone. The goal is a straight edge, the straighter the edge the smoother the shave.

Tape the spine until you master honing, and get some magnification 40 or 60X.

Really, add any 1k, and you are set for life.