Today I was going to refresh my Dovo Bismarck and Nate's Straight on a 12k Naniwa, as I noticed I seem to have been experiencing some small nicks from the Dovo when using my left hand. I looked at the edge with a low-power loupe and saw a small chip, which is more visible from one side than the other. It is about an inch from the toe. I was able to get rid of it with a little work with my 8k Naniwa and followed up with the 12k. If I look hard I can see this defect with the naked eye. I have been using the Dovo as my honing training razor, and feel like I've been getting a pretty decent edge.

Then I decided to look at the Nate's Straight with the loupe, and found a small chip on the edge of that razor too! It is almost exactly at the halfway point on the edge. Not visible with the naked eye. I have never touched this razor with a hone myself, only CrOx.

So -- I am pretty confident I haven't hit the edge of either razor on the faucet or any other hard thing. Just wondering how I might have acquired these problems?