Found an old Moravian brand double sided barber hone in an antique store today for about $4. It came in the original box with all of the original instructions.
Here's what it says:

"Magic Edge Maker. Puts Life in you razors. Use it dry or wet. Slip a razor two to four strokes over the fast side, then six to eight on the "velvety" side and you will have a perfect edge. "

Wow, sounds easy doesn't it? LOL.....little problem though. I can't tell which side is the velvety edge because they are both very smooth to the touch. I can tell you this; one side is orange and the other is brown. A little help here would be great, as I am only versed in the Norton honing technique....and I've been drinking. Any barber hone experts out there that can give me sound advice would be appreciated.