When honing, do you use your off hand to stabilize the razor at the toe, or do you just use one hand?

I always just held the razor with one hand, and would hone in an X pattern. Then, I've seen videos of people just pushing the blade straight across the hone (for those hones that are as wide or wider than the blade) and using both hands to do so. I've tried this method, and it seems that I am not getting my blades evenly sharp from toe to heel... the middle seems to be getting the most sharp, with heel and toe less-so. I never had this problem with the X pattern, so I will go back to using that method.

I kind of liked using both hands to ensure the all parts of the blade were touching the hone with equal pressure (or so I thought), but the results sure were sub-optimal. It would seem a bit awkward to use the two hand method while doing the X pattern.

Thoughts on any of this (two hands vs. one hand, and X pattern vs. straight across)?
