Hi all,

I have tried out a couple of coticules in the past months but never beeing able to refine the edge on a coti beyond a solid HHT3. Unicot has worked to me but I don’t like using tape.
Have ended up in using other finishers after wofking on coti.

But recently I‘ve run some x-strokes on my La Veignette with my testing-razor already finished on a YG/B-Thuri. After about 50 of my possible-lightest strokes I‘ve had a look to the edge at my microscope (160x) and have seen lots of Thuri scratches were polished of by coticule!

I‘ve done another set of x-strokes (50 or so) any have seen further refinement. In addition I could see the very apex line has changed its topology a little bit. I would not say the edge line got straightened out or got more rougth, I would just call it „changed“... So I‘ve stopped there, stropped the edge on linen and have got HHT5 (silent slicer)!

Have repeated the same procedure on one of my shaving-rotation-razors which was finished by Zulu Grey and again: after about 100-120 lightest x-strokes the bevel got super-polished (at least my microscope was not able any more to resolve the refined scratch pattern) and the edge line has slightly changed its form. Again HHT5 after linen stropping! Test shave was suuper keen and close, very smooth to the skin.

I guess this polishing is happening when the edge is gliding over the garnets which are embedded in the stone surface. I was astonished to see the polishing level!

Have you tried out to go back to Coticule after another finisfers?
