I just started down the road of straight shaving. I have done zero, nada, no honing. I own Norton 1000, 4000 and 8000 grit stones (along with the lapper) and a TM hanging strop. It seems that I will probably need one more level of polish after the 8K before stropping. Having just watched Lynn's DVD (thanks Lynn!), I am curious what the general thoughts are on which direction to go after coming off the 8K.

It seems I could either go to another stone like a Belgian yellow coticle or I could go to something like a pasted paddle strop and strop on 1 um and then 0.5 um before final, regular stropping on leather. I might possibly also be able to go to a barber hone or something from Keith at Hand American. It seems also there are stone that might supplement or replace a coticle like the new Shaptons or similar. Hopefully not too big of a can of worms, but hoping to get some advice.

Thanks -