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  1. #1
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    Default 1 mic to 0.5 mic

    I have a shave ready razor that came to me. When I received the razor it really didnt pass the HHT. I have a pasted strop and started a few wipes on the 1 mic side. It greater improved and the beginings of a HHT starter to show. SO, I tried the 0.5 mic side and it actually dulled the razor I bit.

    I have ordered a Norton 4k/8k. Does this indicate that the razor needs honing?

  2. #2
    Razor Afficionado
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    the HHT is NOT a good indicator of sharpness. you can pass the HHT with a razor finished on a 1000 grit stone, but it won't shave worth darn

    a better test is the thumb pad test, where you are looking for a "sticky" fealing at all points along the edge

  3. #3
    Senior Member SteveS's Avatar
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    I wonder if the .5 micron paste smoothed out the edge to the point that the "micro-serrations" had nothing to catch and cut the hair? It could still be as sharp or sharper than before you used the .5 micron paste.

  4. #4
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    Default Thumb Nail

    I did try the thumb pad test. From what I understand it's moisten your thumb pad and gentle touching the razor straight down. You should feel a sticky surface. It felt more smooth than sticky.
    Problem I have is that Am I shaving lousy or is the razor dull?
    I am sure this is a problem on every newbie.
    I ordered a razor from a regular honemeister and will have one that I know is shave ready!

    Question: When You do get a razor back from a honemeister do you still
    Try your pasted paddle to achieve a really sharp edge?

  5. #5
    Senior Member SteveS's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by richard12550 View Post
    Question: When You do get a razor back from a honemeister do you still
    Try your pasted paddle to achieve a really sharp edge?
    A honemeister should send you a razor that needs only stropping on plain leather.

  6. #6
    Carbon-steel-aholic DwarvenChef's Avatar
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    I haven't used the HHT or thumb pad test in a while. Under magnification I look at the edge and bevel. If it's clean all the way to the edge, I go to the next stone. Once I have finnished with the stones. I move to the pasted strop, inspect the edge and strop on the 1.0 side till I see the polished edge all the way across. Again move to the 0.5 side and do it again.

    This has served me well so far. Granted I'm still learning this stuff myself, but this works for me and I'll use it till I come across another bit of info to add to the system.

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